Zion Lutheran Church Missouri Synod of Warren, Minnesota, shares with you our website. We invite you to look at the various pages of our website by clicking on the buttons on the left side of this page. There are a variety of activities described there as well as a host of resources available to enrich your spiritual journey. This website is updated on a monthly basis, so check back again. We invite you to join us in worship.
Sunday Services are at 8:30 a.m. at Zion Lutheran Church in Warren. Sunday School is at 9:45 a.m. September through May. Please join us, you are always welcome.
Mission Statement
Pastor: Aaron Zuch (pastorzuch@zionlutheranwarren.org)
Secretary: Shirley Olson (secretary@zionlutheranwarren.org)
Mailing Address: P. O. Box 102, Warren MN 56762
Telephone: 218-745-4677
New Members: We welcome you to Zion Lutheran Church. Register at the office by phone or email the church secretary Shirley Olson secretary@zionlutheranwarren.org.
Pastoral Visitation: Please remember to inform the office, or Pastor Zuch, if you are going into the hospital and want a visit or prayers. The hospital will not do this for you since the privacy laws have been changed. We will be glad to pray for you and your family members.
Shut Ins: If you know anyone who cannot come to church, please let me know we would like to offer them to be on the visiting schedule. Call the office in the near future: 218-745-4766.
